Headache under evaluation

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/ guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

A 28 year old male working in a chemical drug company was apparently asymptomatic 5 years back when he was studying MBA then he developed first episode of headache for 2 dayswhich was preceded by blurring of vision, irritability,giddiness,vomiting and headache is of throbbing type , He went to RMP where he was given medication .Pain  got slightly relieved on medication,aggravated in  noisy environment.3 years back he developed similar complaints (2nd episode)when he was working as supervisor in construction work.He felt the triggering fact as smell of chemicals which is from pharmacy company beside his work place.onceagain He went to RMP where headache got slightly relieved due to medication.The episode lasted for 1 day.He developed similar complaints(3rd episode) 1 year back and the episode lasted for 1 day.On Thursday (13-08-2020) at Night 8:00 pm he started developing blurring of vision,vomiting,  Non bilious,giddiness,headache - throbbing type(4th episode).Pain is extending till neck.He went to RMP where he was not able to remember the events properly so he was referred to our hospital due to increasi
ng in severity of headache.He came to our hospital at 11:00Pm with c/o blurring of vision , defective vision in certain area of visual field,vomiting -5 episode , and giddiness.patient complaints of disturbed sleep during the episode,unable to his daily activities during the episode.No history of fever,weight loss,positional head ache,neck stiffnes
Past history:No Hx of D.M,HTN,Jaundice,CKD,CHD ,Asthma,T.B
Past surgical History: Appicendectomy done 10 years back 
Personal History: Diet: Mixed
                               Appetite : adequate 
                               Bowel &bladder:regular 
                                Sleep: Adequate 
                              Addictions:occasionally alcohoholic
Family History:Not significant 
Drug History:Patient is not allergic to any known drugs 
General examination:
Patient is c/c/c moderately built and moderately nourished. 
No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing,koilonychia, lymphadenopathy, edema.
Vitals:  B.P : 120/80 mmhg 
             P.R : 78 bpm 
            R.R: 14 cpm 
            Spo2: 98% at room air 
Systemic examination:
CNS: Higher mental functions-normal
All cranial nerves intact
Sensory system-intact
Motor system 
                 Rt.        Lt
Bulk UL.    N.        N
         LL.     N.        N

Power UL.  5/5.     5/5
            LL.     5/5.     5/5

Tone. UL.      N.        N 
          LL.        N.        N

       Biceps  +3.          +3
       Triceps +3.          +2
        Supinator+2.        +2
        Knee jerk+3.          +3
         Ankle      +2.           +2
No cerebellar signs 

S1 S2 heard
No murmurs 

Bilateral air entry present
Normal vesicular breath sounds
Trachea central
No added sounds
Shape of chest normal 

Per abdomen
Shape elliptical
Umbilicus central
All quadrants moving equally with respiration
No organomegaly
No local raise of temperature, tenderness

Diagnosis:?Head injury under evaluation
Treatment given:
 1) plenty of I.V fluids 
 2) Tab. Pan 40 mg O.D
 3) Tab. Zofer 4 mg O.D/SOS
 4) Tab . Naproxen 500 mg B.D
  5) B.P, P.R monitoring


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