65 yr old female with vomitings,decreased urine output

This is an online E log book to discuss our patients deidentified health data shared after taking his/her/ guardian signed informed consent.
Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global  online  community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

A 65 yr old female who is a vegetable vendor was apparently a symptomatic 4 months back then she started developing oedema of left leg    Which extended till knee associated with pain,redness,blisters seen so patient went to local RMP for symptomatic cure,took tablets ( records not available?) pain got relieved,but the oedema was progressing.So patient went to local hospital where I.V antibiotics, fluids are given. Initially oedema was subsided but later on again it was progressively increasing.The patient went to another Hospital where it was diagnosed Diabetic foot ,? Left leg cellulitis where a knick was given in the left foot and pus was drained about 450-500 ml,the patient was referred to another hospital in view of uncontrolled DM where they tried to manage conservatively,but did not got subsided with treatment and started developing vomitings and decreased urine output since 4 days with serum creatinine- 3.8 mg/dl referred to KIMS for further treatment.
Past history : The patient k/c/oDM since 20 yrs     
               On metformin (500mg)
               K/c/oHTN since 15 yrs on Temisartan 
               h/o Angina ? 10 yrs back 
               h/o TB 10 yrs back and ATT was used     
               For 6 months 
               h/o right side CVA 6 years back 
Personal history: Diet : mixed 
                Appetite : reduced since admission in 
                                  Our hospital 
                Sleep : adequate 
                Bowel and bladder:Decreased urine 
                 No addictions 
Family history:No similar events of 
                 Complaints were seen in the family
Drug history:  Not allergic to any known drugs 

Patient is conscious, coherent , cooperative moderately built and nourished 
No signs of pallor, icterus, cyanosis , clubbing, koilonychia , pedal oedema , skin discolouration on dorsal aspect of left foot and  ulcer is seen on medial aspect of foot
 Vitals : Afebrile 
             BP : 150/90 mmhg
             Pulse: 94 bpm 
             RR: 18 cpm
             SPo2: 98% RA
CNS : Higher mental functions normal 
          Cranial nerves : intact 
         Sensory system :intact
                                                Rt.           Lt
         Motor system : Bulk:  N.             N
                                   Power:N.             N
                                   Tone:   N.            N 
                                  Reflexes:Present. Present
          No cerebellar signs
CVS: s1, s2 heard , No murmurs 
RS : B/L AE present, Normal vesicular breath 
Per abdomen: soft, no local rise of 
                         Temperature, No tenderness,
                        No organomegaly 

PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS: Diabetic ketoacidosis
DAY 1:
ABG: at 6pm
Urine for ketones positive at 7:30 pm
GRBS charting:
Inj HAI infusion started 6ml/hr and changed to 5ml/hr at 11pm
IV fluids-0.9%NS -continuous infusion 150 ml/
                5Dextrose -150ml/hr
GRBS monitoring hourly 

DAY 2:
Inj HAI infusion @3ml/hr 
Iv fluids are given @ 150 ml/hr 
Inj.pan 40mg Iv.stat
Inj zofer 4mg Iv OD 
GRBS monitoring hourly

RBS at 12 am
serum electrolytes at 12 am
GRBS charting

ABG at 12am
Urine for ketones negative at 12 am
ABG at 6am
PH:. 7.34
Hco3:.  13.5
Serum electrolytes at 6am 

Serum creatinine
Blood urea
serum electrolytes at 6pm
ABG at 6pm

Inj HAI @1.5ml/hr
At 1pm HAI 5U was given SC and is continued 2 hourly

Iv fluids are given,At 3 pm insulin infusion was stopped.

Serum electrolytes:
GRBS charting:



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