A 65 year old female with bilateral knee pain,low back ache and Pedal edema

Hello everyone .I am Sanya ,an intern posted in Medicine department and of the important terms of getting internship completion is to complete my log book with my online log of what I learn during the course of my duties 

Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

This E log book also reflects my patient - centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome


A 65 yr old female patient who was farmer by occupation was apparently asymptomatic  2 years back ( She was able to perform all her activities , she used to go for labour work in addition to agriculture,and home based works with out any problem)  .Exactly 2 years back she noticed pain in the left knee joint, which was pricking type, which aggravated with standing, with and even without work.also.Increased during night time.. The pt had many sleepless nights because of pain.Even she used to cry at night because of her severity in pain, but the patient did not visited orthopedician,The reason for not visiting could nt be properly explained by the pt.After 3 months the patient  developed pain in the rt knee joint also.. Associated with bilateral pedal edema ,pitting type, Grade 2  ,not associated with any SOB. With occasional low backache- no aggravating and relieving factors.It is the time where patient consulted orthopedician..The doctor said it was age related and they used aceclofenac, rabeprazole,calcium supplements, and used for 1 month.The pt knee pains, pedal edema got relieved.The patient was normal for about 3 months (with out any complaints of knee pains and Low back ache and Pedal edema).after 3 months, she again started developing B/L knee joint pains, a/w pedal edema , pitting type and with Low back pain, then used Zor D, colgel and calcitriol .Symptoms got relived With that medication, And she was normal up to 4-5 months, Again after that she developed B/L knee joint pains, with pedal edema and Low backache then the patient went to private hospital  ,where they took injections and tablets ( Records not available) -injections were given to knee joints, Initially to left and later on the right knee joint.Not being satisfied with the medication, Pt visited another hospital. There  pt was treated with intramuscular injections and Tablets (records not available), pt couldn't get symptomatic relief with this medication... Mean while her husband got admitted in General surgery ward in our hospital,so patient took opinion from our Hospital orthopedician , from there it was referred to General medicine opd in view of B/L pedal edema.No h/o of orthopneoa, PND, palpitations, dizziness ,decreased urine output,facial puffiness,generalised edema, head ache, blurring of vision or diplopia .

PAST HISTORY: Not a k/c/o HTN,DM,Asthma,TB,jaundice


                             Appetite : Normal

               Bowel and bladder : regular

                             Sleep : Inadequate 

              Occasional toddy drinker 

FAMILY HISTORY :no similar complaints in family


 Pt is conscious,coherent, cooperative moderately built and moderately nourished.

Bilateral pedal edema present, pallor present

 No icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia and lymphadenopathy 

Vitals :Afebrile 

           BP: 120/80 mmhg

           PR : 72 bpm

           RR : 12cpm

           Spo2. : 98 % RA 


CNS: Higher mental functions: Normal

          Cranial nerves : intact

           Motor system:    Right.        Left

                      Bulk UL      N.              N

                               LL.     N.              N

                 Power.  UL.   5/5.            5/5

                              LL.    5/5.            5/5

                  Tone.  UL.    N.              N

                              LL.    N.              N

Deep tendon reflexes:

                       Biceps.   :Present.    Present 

                        Triceps  present.    Present 

                     Supinator present.    Present 

                            Knee.  Present      present

                           Ankle    Absent.    Absent 

Superficial reflexes:

                       Corneal. :Present.   Present 

               Conjunctival:  present.    Present 

                 Abdominal:   Present.    Present 

                 Plantar.     :    Flexor.      Flexor

Cerebellar examination:

        Finger nose test : +.            +

     Dysdiadochokinesia: -           -

              Rombergs.     :   -           -


Sensory examination:

•Spinothalamic Tract

                     Pain.           +.           +

        Crude touch.          +.           +

               Temperature.  +.           +

•Posterior column

                 Fine touch.     +.          +

           Vibration. UL/LL. 10/8.    8/8

        Proprioception       +.            +


  2 point discrimination.  +.          +

       Graphasthesia.         +.          +

    Tactile localisation.     +.           +

         Stereognosis.         +.           +


JOINT EXAMINATION:     Tenderness 

                                        Right.       Left

                    Shoulder.     -               -

                     Elbow.        -                -

                      Wrist.         -               -

                        MCP.        -               -

                        PIP.           -              -

                        DIP.          -               -

Lower limb

                       Hip.          +.              +

                     Knee.         +.              +

                                 Crepitus is present in B/L knees

                     Ankle.        +.              +

                                  ( Achilles’ tendon region)

                      MTP.         -               -

                       PIP.          -                -

                       DIP.         -                -

Joint restriction:Hip : flexion and extension

                      Knee.   :  flexion and extension

 Modified schober test : 4-4.5 cm present

 Lateral bending test :10cm

        Fabers test :      Negative

Respiratory system:B/L air entry present

                      CVS   : s1,s2 heard   No murmurs

  Per abdomen : soft,non tender,No organomegaly .



ESR:30 mm/ 1st hr

Hba1c: 6.6%

Hemogram :


DIAGNOSIS:Spondyloarthropathy with bilateral knee joint pains with pedal edema under evaluation 

TREATMENT:1) Tab. Dolo  650 mgPO/TID

                         2)Tab.MVT PO/OD 


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