56 year male with shortness of breath ,palpitation

  This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 

A 56 yr old Male who is accountant was apparently asymptomatic 6 years back then he developed Shortness of breath, palpitation, Giddiness, buckling was present when he was going to home from his work.Then he came to our hospital , unknown medications were given,his symptoms were relieved.He developed  shortness of breath( Grade 2), pedal Edema till knee  which was dependent,giddiness and palpitations       1  1/2 year back for which he was brought to our hospital and was informed that he was having cardiac problem and referred to cardiologist where angiogram was done ,  informed them that surgery must be done ,he was diagnosed as diabetic  before surgery . one and half year ago CABG was done .        The patient developed  Shortness of breath (Grade-2), pedal oedema , giddiness, palpitations from past 6 days came to our hospital.No history of orthopnea,PND, cough, Syncopal attacks. 

 PAST HISTORY: known case of HTN from past  6 years using Metaprolol 12.5mg , D.M  on Metformin 500mg since 1 1/2 year .

PERSONAL HISTORY:Mixed diet with normal appetite and normal bowel and bladder habits

Chronic alcoholic and smoker 

No significant family history.


Patient is conscious , coherent, cooperative , moderately built and moderately nourished.

No pallor ,icterus, Cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, lymphadenopathy, pedal oedema is present . 

Vitals: Afebrile

           B.P: 100/70mmhg

           P.R: 72 bpm regular rhythm,

           R.R: 12cpm

           Spo2: 98 % At room air

           JVP : raised 



Inspection: •precordium : Normal


                                        •No other pulsations

                                        •No dilated veins 

                                       •Central vertical scar is 


                                       •No sinuses

                   Palpation:• Apex beat : left 5 th ICS

                                    • No Thrills

                   Auscultation: s1,s2  present.

Respiratory system: B/L Air entry is present 

CNS: Higher mental functions: Normal 

          Cranial nerves intact 

          Sensory system intact 

                                                 Right.         Left 

          Motor system : Bulk : N.                 N 

                                  Power:  N.                 N

                                   Tone:   N.                 N

                                 Reflexes: Present     Present

          Cerebellar signs absent

Per abdomen: soft , non tender, no local rise of    

                         Temperature, No organomegaly 


USG abdomen:  bilateral Grade 1RPD

                             Grade 2 fatty liver

                             IVC diameter: min: 6mm

                                                       Max: 17mm

2D echo:

Chest x ray:

PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS:Coronary artery disease( Triple vessel disease) with Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction with CABG done 1 1/2 year back ,K/c/o HTN since 6 years and DM since 2 years 

TREATMENT: 1) Fluid restriction <1.5 litres /day

                        2) salt restriction < 6 gm/ day

                        3)inj.Lasix 40 mg/IV /BD

                        4)Tab.Clopitab A (75/75 mg)OD

                        5)Tab.Atorvas /PO/OD/HS

                        6)Tab.Metfomin 500mg PO/OD

                        7) Tab. Metxyl 12.5mg PO/OD


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